Are you searching for good Berlingo vans for sale? Do you think the Citroen Jumper would be the best van for you? Or would the Citroën Jumpy suits your needs? When you are searching for used Citroen vans, Kleyn Vans can be a very good source. Not only do we offer plenty of interesting young Citroen dealer occasions to choose from, but also we share all we know about these vans with our customers. Online you can not only check out the pictures and the description of our Citroens, but the complete inspection report too. On every van we acquire, we perform an extensive inspection. The complete technical state is documented. And shared with our customers, also when you are visiting us. To make sure that our transparency in the reports in guaranteed, they are supervised by the German supervising agency TÜV.
Citroën could have been called Limoenman: founder André Citroën was the grandson of Barend Limoenman, but André's father changed their last name to Citroen when he moved to France. André later added the trema (¨) himself. Citroën first worked at Mors before starting a munitions factory in 1915 during World War I. In 1919, he began producing cars, following in the footsteps of his idol, Henry Ford, by using an assembly line. Citroën became a brand known for its many innovations (think of the Traction Avant, DS, and 2CV), earning a reputation for making special cars for special drivers.
In 1934, business took a downturn, and Michelin, the largest creditor, became the majority shareholder. In 1965, Citroën acquired both Panhard and Berliet, and in 1968, it purchased Maserati. However, by 1974, Citroën went bankrupt. The French government was unwilling to face mass layoffs and pushed for a merger with Peugeot, leading to the creation of PSA (Peugeot Société Anonyme).
The "Società Europea Veicoli Leggeri" – "Société Européenne de Véhicules Légers", or SEVEL, was essentially Stellantis before Stellantis! It was founded in 1978 by Fiat and PSA to develop and manufacture vans together. SEVEL consists of two divisions. Sevel Sud started in Atessa, Italy, in 1981 and focused on producing the Fiat Ducato and its related models.
The first-generation related models included the Alfa Romeo AR6, Peugeot J5, Citroën C25, and Talbot Express. The second generation consisted of the Peugeot Boxer and Citroën Jumper/Relay. The third and current generation has expanded even further, as Toyota has now joined the lineup. As of 2023, the Sevel Sud factory produces the Peugeot Boxer, Citroën Jumper/Relay, Opel Movano, Vauxhall Movano, and Toyota ProAce Max.